ownDynDNS - Self-hosted dynamic DNS php script for Speedport Smart 4 and netcup DNS API

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Handler.php (5960B)


namespace netcup\DNS\API;

use RuntimeException;

final class Handler
     * @var array
    private $log;

     * @var Config
    private $config;

     * @var Payload
    private $payload;

    public function __construct(array $config, array $payload)
        $this->config = new Config($config);

        if (!$this->config->isValid()) {
            throw new RuntimeException('configuration invalid');

        $this->payload = new Payload($payload);

        if (!$this->payload->isValid()) {
            throw new RuntimeException('payload invalid');

        if (
            $this->config->getUsername() !== $this->payload->getUser() ||
            $this->config->getPassword() !== $this->payload->getPassword()
        ) {
            throw new RuntimeException('credentials wrong');

        if (is_readable($this->config->getLogFile())) {
            $this->log = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->config->getLogFile()), true);
        } else {
            $this->log[$this->payload->getDomain()] = [];

    public function __destruct()

     * @param string $msg
     * @return self
    private function doLog($msg)
        $this->log[$this->payload->getDomain()][] = sprintf('[%s] %s', date('c'), $msg);

        if ($this->config->isDebug()) {
            printf('[DEBUG] %s %s', $msg, PHP_EOL);

        return $this;

    private function doExit()
        if (!$this->config->isLog()) {

        if (!file_exists($this->config->getLogFile())) {
            if (!touch($this->config->getLogFile())) {
                printf('[ERROR] unable to create %s %s', $this->config->getLogFile(), PHP_EOL);

        // save only the newest 100 log entries for each domain
        $this->log[$this->payload->getDomain()] = array_reverse(array_slice(array_reverse($this->log[$this->payload->getDomain()]), 0, 100));

        if (!is_writable($this->config->getLogFile()) || !file_put_contents($this->config->getLogFile(), json_encode($this->log, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT))) {
            printf('[ERROR] unable to write %s %s', $this->config->getLogFile(), PHP_EOL);

     * @return self
    public function doRun()
        $clientRequestId = md5($this->payload->getDomain() . time());

        $dnsClient = new Soap\DomainWebserviceSoapClient();

        $loginHandle = $dnsClient->login(

        if (2000 === $loginHandle->statuscode) {
            $this->doLog('api login successful');
        } else {
            $this->doLog(sprintf('api login failed, message: %s', $loginHandle->longmessage));

        $infoHandle = $dnsClient->infoDnsRecords(

        $changes = false;

        foreach ($infoHandle->responsedata->dnsrecords as $key => $record) {
            $recordHostnameReal = (!in_array($record->hostname, $this->payload->getMatcher())) ? $record->hostname . '.' . $this->payload->getHostname() : $this->payload->getHostname();

            if ($recordHostnameReal === $this->payload->getDomain()) {

                // update A Record if exists and IP has changed
                if ('A' === $record->type && $this->payload->getIpv4() &&
                        $this->payload->isForce() ||
                        $record->destination !== $this->payload->getIpv4()
                ) {
                    $record->destination = $this->payload->getIpv4();
                    $this->doLog(sprintf('IPv4 for %s set to %s', $record->hostname . '.' . $this->payload->getHostname(), $this->payload->getIpv4()));
                    $changes = true;

                // update AAAA Record if exists and IP has changed
                if ('AAAA' === $record->type && $this->payload->getIpv6() &&
                        || $record->destination !== $this->payload->getIpv6()
                ) {
                    $record->destination = $this->payload->getIpv6();
                    $this->doLog(sprintf('IPv6 for %s set to %s', $record->hostname . '.' . $this->payload->getHostname(), $this->payload->getIpv6()));
                    $changes = true;

        if (true === $changes) {
            $recordSet = new Soap\Dnsrecordset();
            $recordSet->dnsrecords = $infoHandle->responsedata->dnsrecords;


            $this->doLog('dns recordset updated');
        } else {
            $this->doLog('dns recordset NOT updated (no changes)');

        $logoutHandle = $dnsClient->logout(

        if (2000 === $logoutHandle->statuscode) {
            $this->doLog('api logout successful');
        } else {
            $this->doLog(sprintf('api logout failed, message: %s', $loginHandle->longmessage));

        return $this;