Handler.php (5960B)
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'.' . $this->payload->getHostname() : $this->payload->getHostname(); if ($recordHostnameReal === $this->payload->getDomain()) { // update A Record if exists and IP has changed if ('A' === $record->type && $this->payload->getIpv4() && ( $this->payload->isForce() || $record->destination !== $this->payload->getIpv4() ) ) { $record->destination = $this->payload->getIpv4(); $this->doLog(sprintf('IPv4 for %s set to %s', $record->hostname . '.' . $this->payload->getHostname(), $this->payload->getIpv4())); $changes = true; } // update AAAA Record if exists and IP has changed if ('AAAA' === $record->type && $this->payload->getIpv6() && ( $this->payload->isForce() || $record->destination !== $this->payload->getIpv6() ) ) { $record->destination = $this->payload->getIpv6(); $this->doLog(sprintf('IPv6 for %s set to %s', $record->hostname . '.' . $this->payload->getHostname(), $this->payload->getIpv6())); $changes = true; } } } if (true === $changes) { $recordSet = new Soap\Dnsrecordset(); $recordSet->dnsrecords = $infoHandle->responsedata->dnsrecords; $dnsClient->updateDnsRecords( $this->payload->getHostname(), $this->config->getCustomerId(), $this->config->getApiKey(), $loginHandle->responsedata->apisessionid, $clientRequestId, $recordSet ); $this->doLog('dns recordset updated'); } else { $this->doLog('dns recordset NOT updated (no changes)'); } $logoutHandle = $dnsClient->logout( $this->config->getCustomerId(), $this->config->getApiKey(), $loginHandle->responsedata->apisessionid, $clientRequestId ); if (2000 === $logoutHandle->statuscode) { $this->doLog('api logout successful'); } else { $this->doLog(sprintf('api logout failed, message: %s', $loginHandle->longmessage)); } return $this; } } |