commit cd0df10a83f5d07052f2facd19389012e7439a19
parent fc784674af303236c66b8daebb4f78d68779129b
Author: Bakar Chargeishvili <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2023 14:34:16 +0100
Add more scripts
42 files changed, 1956 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/AdobeReader b/AdobeReader
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+wine /home/delta/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Adobe/Acrobat\ Reader\ DC/Reader/AcroRd32.exe
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# scripts - some usefult shell scripts
-More details will follow...
+More details will follow, for now see the comments in the respective files.
diff --git a/audio b/audio
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# This script records audio.
+# It runs an appropriate record script for either ALSA and Pulseaudio.
+# It also names files smartly to prevent overwrites.
+# Picks a file name for the output file based on availability:
+while [[ -f $HOME/screencast$n.mkv ]]
+ n=$((n+1))
+# For Pulseaudio with ALSA:
+record_pulse() { \
+ffmpeg \
+-f alsa -i default \
+-c:a flac \
+$filename ;}
+# For ALSA:
+record_alsa() { \
+ffmpeg -y \
+-f alsa -ar 44100 -i hw:1 \
+$filename ;}
+if [[ $(pgrep -x pulseaudio) ]]; then record_pulse; else record_alsa; fi
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#This is the ffmpeg command that the screencast shortcut in i3 will run.
+#Picks a file name for the output file based on availability:
+while [[ -f $HOME/audio$n.flac ]]
+ n=$((n+1))
+#The actual ffmpeg command:
+ffmpeg -y \
+ -f alsa -ar 44100 -i hw:1 \
+ $filename
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#This is the ffmpeg command that the audio shortcut in i3 will run.
+#Picks a file name for the output file based on availability:
+while [[ -f $HOME/audio$n.flac ]]
+ n=$((n+1))
+#The actual ffmpeg command:
+ffmpeg \
+-f alsa -i default \
+-c:a flac \
diff --git a/bottomleft b/bottomleft
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This script move the selected window to the bottom left of the screen.
+current=$(xdotool getwindowfocus)
+# The window will take up no more than a third of
+# the width or height of the screen.
+newwidth=$(($(xdotool getdisplaygeometry | awk '{print $2}') / 3))
+newheight=$(($(xdotool getdisplaygeometry | awk '{print $1}') / 3))
+xdotool windowsize $(xdotool getwindowfocus) $newheight $newwidth
+newsize=$(xdotool getwindowgeometry $(xdotool getwindowfocus) | grep Geometry | sed -e 's/x/ /g' | awk '{print $3}')
+height=$(($(xdotool getdisplaygeometry | awk '{print $2}') - newsize))
+xdotool windowmove $current 0 $height
diff --git a/camtoggle b/camtoggle
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+pkill -f /dev/video || mpv --no-osc --no-input-default-bindings --input-conf=/dev/null --geometry=-0-0 --autofit=30% --title="mpvfloat" --demuxer-lavf-o=video_size=1280x720:input_format=mjpeg /dev/video0 --profile=low-latency --untimed
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+# shellcheck disable=SC1117,SC2001
+# [X] open section
+# [X] one shot mode
+# [X] usage info
+# [X] dependencies check
+# [X] help
+# [X] yank/y/copy/c
+# [X] Y/C
+# [X] eof problem
+# [X] more
+# [X] stealth mode
+# here are several examples for the stealth mode:
+# zip lists
+# list permutation
+# random list element
+# reverse a list
+# read json from file
+# append string to a file
+# run process in background
+# count words in text counter
+# group elements list
+__CHTSH_DATETIME="2019-06-05 18:00:46 +0200"
+# configuration loading
+# configuration is stored in ~/ (can be overridden by CHTSH_HOME)
+# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC2002
+[ -e "$CHTSH_CONF" ] && source "$CHTSH_CONF"
+[ -z "$CHTSH_URL" ] && CHTSH_URL=
+# currently we support only two modes:
+# * lite = access the server using curl
+# * auto = try standalone usage first
+CHTSH_MODE="$(cat "$CHTSH_HOME"/mode 2> /dev/null)"
+[ "$CHTSH_MODE" != lite ] && CHTSH_MODE=auto
+CHEATSH_INSTALLATION="$(cat "$CHTSH_HOME/standalone" 2> /dev/null)"
+export LESSSECURE=1
+case "$(uname -s)" in
+ Darwin) is_macos=yes ;;
+ *) is_macos=no ;;
+# for KSH93
+# shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2039,SC2168
+if echo "$KSH_VERSION" | grep -q ' 93' && ! local foo 2>/dev/null; then
+ alias local=typeset
+ echo "ERROR: $*" >&2
+ exit 1
+ [ -n "$LOG" ] && echo "$(date '+[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S]') $*" >> "$LOG"
+ local this_prompt="\033[0;1;4;32m>>\033[0m"
+ printf "\n${this_prompt}%s\033[0m\n" " $* "
+ # the function installs with the upstream repositories
+ # in the standalone mode
+ local installdir; installdir="$1"
+ local default_installdir="$HOME/"
+ if [ "$installdir" = help ]; then
+ cat <<EOF
+Install in the standalone mode.
+After the installation, can be used locally, without accessing
+the public service, or it can be used in the server mode,
+where the newly installed server could be accessed by external clients
+in the same fashion as the public server.
+During the installation, code as well as the upstream
+cheat sheets repositories will be fetched.
+It takes approximately 1G of the disk space.
+Default installation location: ~/
+It can be overriden by a command line parameter to this script:
+ ${0##*/} --standalone-install DIR
+See or
+for more information:
+ :standalone
+ curl
+After the installation is finished, the shell client is switched
+to the auto mode, where it uses the local installation if possible.
+You can switch the mode with the --mode switch:
+ --mode lite # use only
+ --mode auto # use local installation
+For intallation and standalone usage, you need \`git\`, \`python\`,
+and \`virtualenv\` to be installed locally.
+ return
+ fi
+ local _exit_code=0
+ local dependencies=(python git virtualenv)
+ for dep in "${dependencies[@]}"; do
+ command -v "$dep" >/dev/null || \
+ { echo "DEPENDENCY: \"$dep\" is needed to install in the standalone mode" >&2; _exit_code=1; }
+ done
+ [ "$_exit_code" -ne 0 ] && return "$_exit_code"
+ while true; do
+ echo -n "Where should be installed [$default_installdir]? "; read -r installdir
+ [ -n "$installdir" ] || installdir="$default_installdir"
+ if [ "$installdir" = y ] \
+ || [ "$installdir" = Y ] \
+ || [ "$(echo "$installdir" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")" = yes ]
+ then
+ echo Please enter the directory name
+ echo If it was the directory name already, please prepend it with \"./\": "./$installdir"
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -e "$installdir" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Installation directory [$installdir] exists already"
+ echo "Please remove it first before continuing"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if ! mkdir -p "$installdir"; then
+ echo "ERROR: Could not create the installation directory \"$installdir\""
+ echo "ERROR: Please check the permissions and start the script again"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ local space_needed=700
+ local space_available; space_available=$(($(df -k "$installdir" | awk '{print $4}' | tail -1)/1024))
+ if [ "$space_available" -lt "$space_needed" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Installation directory has no enough space (needed: ${space_needed}M, available: ${space_available}M"
+ echo "ERROR: Please clean up and start the script again"
+ rmdir "$installdir"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ _say_what_i_do Cloning locally
+ local url=
+ rmdir "$installdir"
+ git clone "$url" "$installdir" || fatal Could not clone "$url" with git into "$installdir"
+ cd "$installdir" || fatal "Cannot cd into $installdir"
+ git checkout offline_usage
+ # after the repository cloned, we may have the log directory
+ # and we can write our installation log into it
+ mkdir -p "$installdir/log/"
+ LOG="$installdir/log/install.log"
+ # we use tee everywhere so we should set -o pipefail
+ set -o pipefail
+ _say_what_i_do Creating virtual environment
+ python2 "$(command -v virtualenv)" ve \
+ || fatal Could not create virtual environment with "python2 $(command -v virtualenv) ve"
+ _say_what_i_do Installing python requirements into the virtual environment
+ ve/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt > "$LOG" \
+ || {
+ echo "ERROR:"
+ echo "---"
+ tail -n 10 "$LOG"
+ echo "---"
+ echo "See $LOG for more"
+ fatal Could not install python dependecies into the virtual environment
+ }
+ echo "$(ve/bin/pip freeze | wc -l) dependencies were successfully installed"
+ _say_what_i_do Fetching the upstream cheat sheets repositories
+ ve/bin/python lib/ fetch-all | tee -a "$LOG"
+ _say_what_i_do Running self-tests
+ (
+ cd tests || exit
+ PYTHON=../ve/bin/python bash | tee -a "$LOG"
+ then
+ printf "\033[0;32m%s\033[0m\n" "SUCCESS"
+ else
+ printf "\033[0;31m%s\033[0m\n" "FAILED"
+ echo "Some tests were failed. Run the tests manually for further investigation:"
+ echo " cd $PWD; bash"
+ fi
+ )
+ mkdir -p "$CHTSH_HOME"
+ echo "$installdir" > "$CHTSH_HOME/standalone"
+ echo auto > "$CHTSH_HOME/mode"
+ _say_what_i_do Done
+ local v1; v1=$(printf "\033[0;1;32m")
+ local v2; v2=$(printf "\033[0m")
+ cat <<EOF | sed "s/{/$v1/; s/}/$v2/"
+{ _ }
+{ \\ \\ } The installation is successfully finished.
+{ \\ \\ }
+{ / / } Now you can use in the standalone mode,
+{ /_/ } or you can start your own server.
+Now the shell client is switched to the auto mode, where it uses
+the local installation if possible.
+You can switch the mode with the --mode switch:
+ --mode lite # use only
+ --mode auto # use local installation
+You can add your own cheat sheets repository (config is in \`etc/config.yaml\`),
+or create new cheat sheets adapters (in \`lib/adapters\`).
+To update local copies of cheat sheets repositores on a regular basis,
+add the following line to your user crontab (crontab -e):
+ 10 * * * * $installdir/ve/bin/python $installdir/lib/ update-all
+All cheat sheets will be automatically actualized each hour.
+If you are running a server reachable from the Internet, it can be instantly
+notified via a HTTP request about any cheat sheets changes. For that, please
+open an issue on the project repository []
+with the ENTRY-POINT from the URL https://ENTRY-POINT/:actualize specified
+ local mode="$1"
+ local text; text=$(
+ echo " auto use the standalone installation first"
+ echo " lite use the cheat sheets server directly"
+ )
+ if [ -z "$mode" ]; then
+ echo "current mode: $CHTSH_MODE ($(printf "%s" "$text" | grep "$CHTSH_MODE" | sed "s/$CHTSH_MODE//; s/^ *//; s/ \+/ /"))"
+ if [ -d "$CHEATSH_INSTALLATION" ]; then
+ echo " standalone installation: $CHEATSH_INSTALLATION"
+ else
+ echo ' standalone installation not found; falling back to the "lite" mode'
+ fi
+ elif [ "$mode" = auto ] || [ "$mode" = lite ]; then
+ if [ "$mode" = "$CHTSH_MODE" ]; then
+ echo "The configured mode was \"$CHTSH_MODE\"; nothing changed"
+ else
+ mkdir -p "$CHTSH_HOME"
+ echo "$mode" > "$CHTSH_HOME/mode"
+ echo "Configured mode: $mode"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "Uknown mode: $mode"
+ echo Suported modes:
+ echo " auto use the standalone installation first"
+ echo " lite use the cheat sheets server directly"
+ fi
+ local query="$*"
+ if [ -n "$CHTSH_QUERY_OPTIONS" ]; then
+ case $query in
+ *\?*) query="$query&${CHTSH_QUERY_OPTIONS}";;
+ *) query="$query?${CHTSH_QUERY_OPTIONS}";;
+ esac
+ fi
+ printf "%s" "$query"
+ local query="$*"
+ local b_opts=
+ local uri="${CHTSH_URL}/\"\$(get_query_options $query)\""
+ if [ -e "$HOME/" ]; then
+ b_opts="-b \"\$HOME/\""
+ fi
+ eval curl "$b_opts" -s "$uri" > "$TMP1"
+ if [ -z "$lines" ] || [ "$(wc -l "$TMP1" | awk '{print $1}')" -lt "$lines" ]; then
+ cat "$TMP1"
+ else
+ ${PAGER:-$defpager} "$TMP1"
+ fi
+ local section="$1"; shift
+ local input="$1"; shift
+ local arguments="$1"
+ local query
+ if [ -z "$section" ] || [ x"${input}" != x"${input#/}" ]; then
+ query=$(printf %s "$input" | sed 's@ @/@; s@ @+@g')
+ else
+ query=$(printf %s "$section/$input" | sed 's@ @+@g')
+ fi
+ [ -n "$arguments" ] && arguments="?$arguments"
+ printf %s "$query$arguments"
+ curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/:list | grep -v '/.*/' | grep '/$' | xargs
+ len=$1
+ if command -v openssl >/dev/null; then
+ openssl rand -base64 $((len*3/4)) | awk -v ORS='' //
+ else
+ rdev=/dev/urandom
+ for d in /dev/{srandom,random,arandom}; do
+ test -r "$d" && rdev=$d
+ done
+ if command -v hexdump >/dev/null; then
+ hexdump -vn $((len/2)) -e '1/1 "%02X" 1 ""' "$rdev"
+ elif command -v xxd >/dev/null; then
+ xxd -l $((len/2)) -ps "$rdev" | awk -v ORS='' //
+ else
+ cd /tmp || { echo Cannot cd into /tmp >&2; exit 1; }
+ s=
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2000
+ while [ "$(echo "$s" | wc -c)" -lt "$len" ]; do
+ s="$s$(mktemp -u XXXXXXXXXX)"
+ done
+ printf "%.${len}s" "$s"
+ fi
+ fi
+if [ "$CHTSH_MODE" = auto ] && [ -d "$CHEATSH_INSTALLATION" ]; then
+ curl() {
+ # ignoring all options
+ # currently the does not support them anyway
+ local opt
+ while getopts "b:s" opt; do
+ :
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+ local url; url="$1"; shift
+ }
+elif [ "$(uname -s)" = OpenBSD ] && [ -x /usr/bin/ftp ]; then
+ # any better test not involving either OS matching or actual query?
+ curl() {
+ local opt args="-o -"
+ while getopts "b:s" opt; do
+ case $opt in
+ b) args="$args -c $OPTARG";;
+ s) args="$args -M -V";;
+ *) echo "internal error: unsupported cURL option '$opt'" >&2; exit 1;;
+ esac
+ done
+ shift $((OPTIND - 1))
+ /usr/bin/ftp "$args" "$@"
+ }
+ command -v curl >/dev/null || { echo 'DEPENDENCY: install "curl" to use' >&2; exit 1; }
+ _CURL=$(command -v curl)
+ if [ x"$CHTSH_CURL_OPTIONS" != x ]; then
+ curl() {
+ }
+ fi
+if [ "$1" = --read ]; then
+ read -r a || a="exit"
+ printf "%s\n" "$a"
+ exit 0
+elif [ x"$1" = x--help ] || [ -z "$1" ]; then
+ n=${0##*/}
+ s=$(echo "$n" | sed "s/./ /"g)
+ cat <<EOF
+ QUERY process QUERY and exit
+ --help show this help
+ --shell [LANG] shell mode (open LANG if specified)
+ --standalone-install [DIR|help]
+ install in the standalone mode
+ (by default, into ~/
+ --mode [auto|lite] set (or display) mode of operation
+ * auto - prefer the local installation
+ * lite - use the cheat sheet server
+ exit 0
+elif [ x"$1" = x--shell ]; then
+ shell_mode=yes
+ shift
+elif [ x"$1" = x--standalone-install ]; then
+ shift
+ cheatsh_standalone_install "$@"
+ exit "$?"
+elif [ x"$1" = x--mode ]; then
+ shift
+ chtsh_mode "$@"
+ exit "$?"
+for o; do
+ if [ x"$o" != x"${o#-}" ]; then
+ opts="${opts}${o#-}"
+ else
+ input="$input $o"
+ fi
+query=$(echo "$input" | sed 's@ *$@@; s@^ *@@; s@ @/@; s@ @+@g')
+if [ "$shell_mode" != yes ]; then
+ curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query")"
+ exit 0
+ new_section="$1"
+ valid_sections=$(get_list_of_sections)
+ valid=no; for q in $valid_sections; do [ "$q" = "$new_section/" ] && { valid=yes; break; }; done
+ if [ "$valid" = yes ]; then
+ section="$new_section"
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2001
+ this_query="$(echo "$input" | sed 's@ *[^ ]* *@@')"
+ this_prompt="\033[0;$section>\033[0m "
+ else
+ this_query="$input"
+ this_prompt="\033[0;>\033[0m "
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$this_query" ] && [ -z "$CHEATSH_RESTART" ]; then
+ printf "$this_prompt$this_query\n"
+ curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query")"
+ fi
+if [ "$is_macos" != yes ]; then
+ command -v xsel >/dev/null || echo 'DEPENDENCY: please install "xsel" for "copy"' >&2
+command -v rlwrap >/dev/null || { echo 'DEPENDENCY: install "rlwrap" to use in the shell mode' >&2; exit 1; }
+mkdir -p "$HOME/"
+lines=$(tput lines)
+if command -v less >/dev/null; then
+ defpager="less -R"
+elif command -v more >/dev/null; then
+ defpager="more"
+ defpager="cat"
+cmd_cd() {
+ if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ section=""
+ else
+ new_section=$(echo "$input" | sed 's/cd *//; s@/*$@@; s@^/*@@')
+ if [ -z "$new_section" ] || [ ".." = "$new_section" ]; then
+ section=""
+ else
+ valid_sections=$(get_list_of_sections)
+ valid=no; for q in $valid_sections; do [ "$q" = "$new_section/" ] && { valid=yes; break; }; done
+ if [ "$valid" = no ]; then
+ echo "Invalid section: $new_section"
+ echo "Valid sections:"
+ echo "$valid_sections" \
+ | xargs printf "%-10s\n" \
+ | tr ' ' . \
+ | xargs -n 10 \
+ | sed 's/\./ /g; s/^/ /'
+ else
+ section="$new_section"
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+cmd_copy() {
+ if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then
+ echo copy: supported only in the Desktop version
+ elif [ -z "$input" ]; then
+ echo copy: Make at least one query first.
+ else
+ curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query"?T)" > "$TMP1"
+ if [ "$is_macos" != yes ]; then
+ xsel -bi < "$TMP1"
+ else
+ pbcopy < "$TMP1"
+ fi
+ echo "copy: $(wc -l "$TMP1" | awk '{print $1}') lines copied to the selection"
+ fi
+cmd_ccopy() {
+ if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ]; then
+ echo copy: supported only in the Desktop version
+ elif [ -z "$input" ]; then
+ echo copy: Make at least one query first.
+ else
+ curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/"$(get_query_options "$query"?TQ)" > "$TMP1"
+ if [ "$is_macos" != yes ]; then
+ xsel -bi < "$TMP1"
+ else
+ pbcopy < "$TMP1"
+ fi
+ echo "copy: $(wc -l "$TMP1" | awk '{print $1}') lines copied to the selection"
+ fi
+cmd_exit() {
+ exit 0
+cmd_help() {
+ cat <<EOF
+help - show this help
+hush - do not show the 'help' string at start anymore
+cd LANG - change the language context
+copy - copy the last answer in the clipboard (aliases: yank, y, c)
+ccopy - copy the last answer w/o comments (cut comments; aliases: cc, Y, C)
+exit - exit the cheat shell (aliases: quit, ^D)
+id [ID] - set/show an unique session id ("reset" to reset, "remove" to remove)
+stealth - stealth mode (automatic queries for selected text)
+update - self update (only if the scriptfile is writeable)
+version - show current version
+/:help - service help
+QUERY - space ceparated query staring (examples are below)
+> python zip list
+> zip list
+> /python zip list
+cmd_hush() {
+ mkdir -p "$HOME/" && touch "$HOME/" && echo "Initial 'use help' message was disabled"
+cmd_id() {
+ id_file="$HOME/"
+ if [ id = "$input" ]; then
+ new_id=""
+ else
+ new_id=$(echo "$input" | sed 's/id *//; s/ *$//; s/ /+/g')
+ fi
+ if [ "$new_id" = remove ]; then
+ if [ -e "$id_file" ]; then
+ rm -f -- "$id_file" && echo "id is removed"
+ else
+ echo "id was not set, so you can't remove it"
+ fi
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$new_id" ] && [ reset != "$new_id" ] && [ "$(/bin/echo -n "$new_id" | wc -c)" -lt 16 ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: $new_id: Too short id. Minimal id length is 16. Use 'id reset' for a random id"
+ return
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$new_id" ]; then
+ # if new_id is not specified check if we have some id already
+ # if yes, just show it
+ # if not, generate a new id
+ if [ -e "$id_file" ]; then
+ awk '$6 == "id" {print $NF}' <"$id_file" | tail -n 1
+ return
+ else
+ new_id=reset
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$new_id" = reset ]; then
+ new_id=$(gen_random_str 12)
+ else
+ echo WARNING: if someone gueses your id, he can read your search history
+ fi
+ if [ -e "$id_file" ] && grep -q '\tid\t[^\t][^\t]*$' "$id_file" 2> /dev/null; then
+ sed -i 's/\tid\t[^\t][^\t]*$/ id '"$new_id"'/' "$id_file"
+ else
+ if ! [ -e "$id_file" ]; then
+ printf '#\n\n' > "$id_file"
+ fi
+ printf "\tTRUE\t/\tTRUE\t0\tid\t$new_id\n" >> "$id_file"
+ fi
+ echo "$new_id"
+cmd_query() {
+ query=$(prepare_query "$section" "$input")
+ do_query "$query"
+cmd_stealth() {
+ if [ "$input" != stealth ]; then
+ arguments=$(echo "$input" | sed 's/stealth //; s/ /\&/')
+ fi
+ trap break INT
+ if [ "$is_macos" = yes ]; then
+ past=$(pbpaste)
+ else
+ past=$(xsel -o)
+ fi
+ printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m you are in the stealth mode; select any text in any window for a query\n"
+ printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m selections longer than $STEALTH_MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH words are ignored\n"
+ if [ -n "$arguments" ]; then
+ printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m query arguments: ?$arguments\n"
+ fi
+ printf "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m use ^C to leave this mode\n"
+ while true; do
+ if [ "$is_macos" = yes ]; then
+ current=$(pbpaste)
+ else
+ current=$(xsel -o)
+ fi
+ if [ "$past" != "$current" ]; then
+ past=$current
+ current_text="$(echo $current | tr -c '[a-zA-Z0-9]' ' ')"
+ if [ "$(echo "$current_text" | wc -w)" -gt "$STEALTH_MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH" ]; then
+ echo "\033[0;31mstealth:\033[0m selection length is longer than $STEALTH_MAX_SELECTION_LENGTH words; ignoring"
+ continue
+ else
+ printf "\n\033[0;31mstealth: \033[7m $current_text\033[0m\n"
+ query=$(prepare_query "$section" "$current_text" "$arguments")
+ do_query "$query"
+ fi
+ fi
+ sleep 1;
+ done
+ trap - INT
+cmd_update() {
+ [ -w "$0" ] || { echo "The script is readonly; please update manually: curl -s ${CHTSH_URL}/ | sudo tee $0"; return; }
+ TMP2=$(mktemp /tmp/
+ curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/ > "$TMP2"
+ if ! cmp "$0" "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ if grep -q ^__CHTSH_VERSION= "$TMP2"; then
+ # section was vaildated by us already
+ args=(--shell "$section")
+ cp "$TMP2" "$0" && echo "Updated. Restarting..." && rm "$TMP2" && CHEATSH_RESTART=1 exec "$0" "${args[@]}"
+ else
+ echo "Something went wrong. Please update manually"
+ fi
+ else
+ echo " is up to date. No update needed"
+ fi
+ rm -f "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1
+cmd_version() {
+ insttime=$(ls -l -- "$0" | sed 's/ */ /g' | cut -d ' ' -f 6-8)
+ echo " version $__CHTSH_VERSION of $__CHTSH_DATETIME; installed at: $insttime"
+ TMP2=$(mktemp /tmp/
+ if curl -s "${CHTSH_URL}"/ > "$TMP2"; then
+ if ! cmp "$0" "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "Update needed (type 'update' for that)".
+ else
+ echo "Up to date. No update needed"
+ fi
+ fi
+ rm -f "$TMP2" > /dev/null 2>&1
+TMP1=$(mktemp /tmp/
+trap 'rm -f $TMP1 $TMP2' EXIT
+trap 'true' INT
+if ! [ -e "$HOME/" ] && [ -z "$this_query" ]; then
+ echo "type 'help' for the shell help"
+while true; do
+ if [ "$section" != "" ]; then
+ full_prompt="$prompt/$section> "
+ else
+ full_prompt="$prompt> "
+ fi
+ input=$(
+ rlwrap -H "$HOME/" -pgreen -C -S "$full_prompt" bash "$0" --read | sed 's/ *#.*//'
+ )
+ cmd_name=${input%% *}
+ cmd_args=${input#* }
+ case $cmd_name in
+ "") continue;; # skip empty input lines
+ '?'|h|help) cmd_name=help;;
+ hush) cmd_name=hush;;
+ cd) cmd_name="cd";;
+ exit|quit) cmd_name="exit";;
+ copy|yank|c|y) cmd_name=copy;;
+ ccopy|cc|C|Y) cmd_name=ccopy;;
+ id) cmd_name=id;;
+ stealth) cmd_name=stealth;;
+ update) cmd_name=update;;
+ version) cmd_name=version;;
+ *) cmd_name="query"; cmd_args="$input";;
+ esac
+ "cmd_$cmd_name" $cmd_args
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+find . -maxdepth 1 -regextype gnu-awk -regex "^.*\.(pyc|p yo|bak|swp|aux|log|lof|nav|out|snm|toc|bcf|run\.xml|synctex\.gz|blg|bbl|fls|fdb_latexmk)" -delete
diff --git a/colortest b/colortest
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+theme=$(dirname $0)/scripts/${}
+if [ -f $theme ]; then
+ # get the color declarations in said theme, assumes there is a block of text that starts with color00= and ends with new line
+ eval $(awk '/^color00=/,/^$/ {print}' $theme | sed 's/#.*//')
+ printf "No theme file %s found\n" $theme
+ Black
+ Red
+ Green
+ Yellow
+ Blue
+ Magenta
+ Cyan
+ White
+ Bright_Black
+ Bright_Red
+ Bright_Green
+ Bright_Yellow
+ Bright_Blue
+ Bright_Magenta
+ Bright_Cyan
+ Bright_White
+ base00
+ base08
+ base0B
+ base0A
+ base0D
+ base0E
+ base0C
+ base05
+ base03
+ base08
+ base0B
+ base0A
+ base0D
+ base0E
+ base0C
+ base07
+ base09
+ base0F
+ base01
+ base02
+ base04
+ base06
+for padded_value in `seq -w 0 21`; do
+ color_variable="color${padded_value}"
+ eval current_color=\$${color_variable}
+ current_color=$(echo ${current_color//\//} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') # get rid of slashes, and uppercase
+ non_padded_value=$((10#$padded_value))
+ base16_color_name=${colors[$non_padded_value]}
+ current_color_label=${current_color:-unknown}
+ ansi_label=${ansi_mappings[$non_padded_value]}
+ block=$(printf "\x1b[48;5;${non_padded_value}m___________________________")
+ foreground=$(printf "\x1b[38;5;${non_padded_value}m$color_variable")
+ printf "%s %s %s %-30s %s\x1b[0m\n" $foreground $base16_color_name $current_color_label ${ansi_label:-""} $block
diff --git a/compiler b/compiler
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# This is a compilation handler, so to speak, which I have vim run.
+# It compiles a document to pdf
+file=$(basename "$1")
+echo $ext
+case "$ext" in
+ rmd) echo "require(rmarkdown); render('$file')" | R --vanilla ;;
+ tex) xelatex "$file" ;;
+ md) pandoc "$file" --pdf-engine=xelatex -o "$base".pdf ;;
diff --git a/dmenuhandler b/dmenuhandler
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# Feed this script a link and it will give dmenu
+# some choice programs to use to open it.
+# The URL will be shown visually in 30 characters or less.
+if [[ "${#1}" -gt 30 ]];
+visual="${1:0:20}"..."${1: -7}"
+echo $visual
+x=$(echo -e "mpv\nmpv (loop)\nwget\nfeh\nbrowser\nw3m\nmpv (float)\nqndl" | dmenu -i -p "How should I open '$visual'?")
+case "$x" in
+ mpv) mpv -quiet "$1" 2&>/dev/null & disown ;;
+ "mpv (loop)") mpv -quiet --loop "$1" 2&>/dev/null & disown ;;
+ wget) wget "$1" 2&>/dev/null & disown ;;
+ browser) $BROWSER "$1" 2&>/dev/null & disown ;;
+ feh) feh "$1" 2&>/dev/null & disown ;;
+ w3m) w3m "$1" 2&>/dev/null & disown ;;
+ "mpv (float)") mpv --geometry=+0-0 --autofit=30% --title="mpvfloat" /dev/video0 "$1" 2&>/dev/null & disown ;;
+ qndl) qndl "$1" 'youtube-dl --add-metadata -ic' 2&>/dev/null & disown ;;
diff --git a/dmenumount b/dmenumount
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Should be run with sudo.
+# Gives a dmenu prompt to mount unmounted drives.
+# If they're in /etc/fstab, they'll be mounted automatically.
+# Otherwise, you'll be prompted to give a mountpoint from already existsing directories.
+# If you input a novel directory, it will prompt you to create that directory.
+pgrep -x dmenu && exit
+mountable=$(lsblk -lp | grep part | grep -v "t /" | awk '{print $1, "(" $4 ")"}')
+[[ "$mountable" = "" ]] && exit 1
+chosen=$(echo "$mountable" | dmenu -i -p "Mount which drive?" | awk '{print $1}')
+[[ "$chosen" = "" ]] && exit 1
+mount "$chosen" && exit 0
+# You may want to change the line below for more suggestions for mounting.
+# I.e. you can increase the depth of the search, or add directories.
+# This will increase the load time briefly though.
+dirs=$(find /mnt /media /mount /home -type d -maxdepth 5 2>/dev/null)
+mountpoint=$(echo "$dirs" | dmenu -i -p "Type in mount point.")
+[[ "$mountpoint" = "" ]] && exit 1
+if [[ ! -d "$mountpoint" ]]; then
+ mkdiryn=$(echo -e "No\nYes" | dmenu -i -p "$mountpoint does not exist. Create it?")
+ [[ "$mkdiryn" = Yes ]] && sudo mkdir -p "$mountpoint"
+sudo mount "$chosen" "$mountpoint" -o uid=$UID,gid=$GROUPS
diff --git a/dmenurecord b/dmenurecord
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# A dmenu recording prompt for my different recording scripts.
+# Asks for type of recording and uses one of my three different scripts.
+asktype() { \
+case $(echo -e "Screencast\nVideo only\nAudio only" | dmenu -i -p "Select recording style:") in
+ Screencast) screencast ;;
+ "Audio only") audio ;;
+ "Video only") video ;;
+esac ;}
+# If already running, will ask to end previous recording.
+asktoend() { \
+response=$(echo -e "No\nYes" | dmenu -i -p "Recording still active. End recording?") &&
+if [[ "$response" = "Yes" ]]; then killall ffmpeg; fi ;}
+if (( $(pgrep dmenurecord | wc -l) > 2 )); then
+echo $response
diff --git a/dmenuumount b/dmenuumount
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# A dmenu prompt to unmount drives.
+# Provides you with mounted partitions, select one to unmount.
+# Drives mounted at /, /boot and /home will not be options to unmount.
+# This can be changed by modifying $exclusionregex.
+drives=$(lsblk -lp | grep "t /" | grep -v "$exclusionregex" | awk '{print $1, "(" $4 ")", "on", $7}')
+[[ "$drives" = "" ]] && test=$(echo "" | dmenu -i -p "Nothing is mounted...")
+[[ "$drives" = "" ]] && exit
+chosen=$(echo "$drives" | dmenu -i -p "Unmount which drive?" | awk '{print $1}')
+[[ "$chosen" = "" ]] && exit
+sudo umount $chosen
diff --git a/dropdowncalc b/dropdowncalc
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This script ensures that i3 will spawn a calculator.
+# If R is installed, it will run R, otherwise it will run
+# Python.
+([[ -e /usr/bin/R ]] && R -q) || python -q
diff --git a/dwm_mutt b/dwm_mutt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+st sh -c "tty>/tmp/tty; export GPG_TTY=$(</tmp/tty); neomutt"
diff --git a/extract~ b/extract~
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# there are two different ways this script can work.
+# for the first way, uncomment the two lines after the if and place two '.' in front of the /$1
+# this creates a new directory in the directory where the compressed file is and dumps the content in it
+# for the second way, comment the two lines under the if and place just one '.' in front of the /$1
+# this just dumps the content of the compressed file in the same directory of the compressed file
+if [ -f "$1" ] ; then
+ NAME="${1%.*}"
+ mkdir "$NAME" && cd "$NAME"
+ case "$1" in
+ *.tar.bz2) tar xvjf ../"$1" ;;
+ *.tar.gz) tar xvzf ../"$1" ;;
+ *.tar.xz) tar xvJf ../"$1" ;;
+ *.lzma) unlzma ../"$1" ;;
+ *.bz2) bunzip2 ../"$1" ;;
+ *.rar) unrar x -ad ../"$1" ;;
+ *.gz) gunzip ../"$1" ;;
+ *.tar) tar xvf ../"$1" ;;
+ *.tbz2) tar xvjf ../"$1" ;;
+ *.tgz) tar xvzf ../"$1" ;;
+ *.zip) unzip ../"$1" ;;
+ *.Z) uncompress ../"$1" ;;
+ *.7z) 7z x ../"$1" ;;
+ *.xz) unxz ../"$1" ;;
+ *.exe) cabextract ../"$1" ;;
+ *) echo "extract: '$1' - unknown archive method" ;;
+ esac
+echo "$1 - file does not exist"
+ fi
diff --git a/flashScreen b/flashScreen
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+# NAME:
+# PATH: ~/bin
+# DESC: Flashes primary screen colours to alert timer has ended.
+# DATE: November 15, 2018
+# NOTE: Written for:
+# I'm looking for a command to flash screens (if possible in colors)
+# Change 6 variables below to control screen flashing levels
+declare aXrandr=()
+# Next two functions lifted from: eyesome internet sunrise/sunset time screen
+# brightness and gamma controller:
+InitXrandrArray () {
+ # Array is used for each monitor and searched by name.
+ # Save time to search on connected/disconnected, primary monitor,
+ # brightness level, gamma level.
+ mapfile -t aXrandr < <(xrandr --verbose --current)
+} # InitXrandrArray
+SearchXrandrArray () {
+ # Parms: $MonXrandrName = xrandr monitor name to search for.
+ # NOTE: Entries in array follow predicatble order from xrandr --verbose:
+ # <MONITOR-NAME> connected / disconnected (line 1 of monitor entry)
+ # Gamma: 0.99:0.99:0.99 (line 5 of entry)
+ # Brightness: 0.99 (line 6 of entry)
+ # CRTC: 9 (line 8 of entry)
+ fNameFnd=false
+ fBrightnessFnd=false
+ fGammaFnd=false
+ fCrtcFnd=false
+ XrandrConnection=disconnected
+ XrandrPrimary=false
+ XrandrGamma=""
+ XrandrBrightness=""
+ XrandrCRTC="" # Laptop lid open value=0, lid closed=blank
+ for (( i=0; i<"${#aXrandr[*]}"; i++ )) ; do
+ line="${aXrandr[$i]}"
+ # Have we looped to next monitor and not found search string?
+ if [[ "$line" =~ " connected " ]] && [[ $fNameFnd == true ]] ; then
+ break
+ fi
+ if [[ "$line" =~ ^"$MonXrandrName connected" ]]; then
+ fNameFnd=true
+ XrandrConnection=connected
+ [[ "$line" =~ "primary" ]] && XrandrPrimary=true
+ fi
+ if [[ $fNameFnd == true ]] && [[ $fGammaFnd == false ]] ; then
+ if [[ "$line" =~ "Gamma: " ]]; then
+ fGammaFnd=true
+ XrandrGamma="${line##* }"
+ # TODO: Use `xgamma` for accuracy
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $fGammaFnd == true ]] && [[ $fBrightnessFnd == false ]] ; then
+ if [[ "$line" =~ "Brightness: " ]]; then
+ fBrightnessFnd=true
+ XrandrBrightness="${line##* }"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ $fBrightnessFnd == true ]] && [[ $fCrtcFnd == false ]] ; then
+ if [[ "$line" =~ "CRTC: " ]]; then
+ fCrtcFnd=true
+ XrandrCRTC="${line##* }"
+ break
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+} # SearchXrandrArray
+FlipBright () {
+ if [[ $NewBrightness == "$MaxBright" ]] ; then
+ NewBrightness="$MinBright"
+ else
+ NewBrightness="$MaxBright"
+ fi
+} # FlipBright
+CleanUp() {
+ xrandr --output "$MonXrandrName" --gamma "$SaveGamma" \
+ --brightness "$SaveBrightness"
+ # Compensate for bug in Xrandr as of Nov 15, 2018 with second call
+ InitXrandrArray
+ SearchXrandrArray
+ xrandr --output "$MonXrandrName" --gamma "$XrandrGamma"
+ exit 0
+} # CleanUp
+Main () {
+ trap CleanUp INT TERM
+ # Get primary monitor current settings
+ XrandrName=$(xrandr --current | grep primary)
+ MonXrandrName="${XrandrName%% *}"
+ InitXrandrArray
+ SearchXrandrArray
+ # Did we find primary monitor ok?
+ if [[ $fBrightnessFnd == false ]] || [[ $fGammaFnd == false ]] ; then
+ echo "Internal Error: Could not find Primary Screen brightness or gamma"
+ echo XrandrPrimary: "$XrandrPrimary"
+ echo aXrandr[0]: "${aXrandr[0]}"
+ echo Brightness: "$XrandrBrightness"
+ echo Gamma: "$XrandrGamma"
+ exit 2
+ fi
+ # Restore these values when CleanUping program
+ SaveBrightness="$XrandrBrightness"
+ SaveGamma="$XrandrGamma"
+ #Blink for 10 seconds
+ end=$((SECONDS+10))
+ while [ $SECONDS -lt $end ]; do
+ if [[ $Red == true ]] ; then
+ Red=false
+ Green=true
+ NewGamma="$MaxRed:$MinGamma:$MinGamma"
+ FlipBright
+ elif [[ $Green == true ]] ; then
+ Green=false
+ NewGamma="$MinGamma:$MaxGreen:$MinGamma"
+ FlipBright
+ else
+ Red=true
+ NewGamma="$MinGamma:$MinGamma:$MaxBlue"
+ FlipBright
+ fi
+ xrandr --output "$MonXrandrName" --gamma "$NewGamma" \
+ --brightness "$NewBrightness"
+ sleep .2
+ done
+} # Main
+Main "$@"
diff --git a/layout b/layout
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#Language layout switch
+setxkbmap -layout us,ge -option grp:alt_space_toggle
diff --git a/linkhandler b/linkhandler
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Feed script a url or file location.
+# If an image, it will view in sxiv,
+# if a video or gif, it will view in mpv
+# if a music file or pdf, it will download,
+# otherwise it opens link in browser.
+# If no url given. Opens browser. For using script as $BROWSER.
+[ -z "$1" ] && { "$BROWSER"; exit; }
+case "$1" in
+ **|**|**|**)
+ dmenuhandler "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 ;;
+ *mkv|*webm|*mp4|**|**|**|**|**|**|**|**)
+ setsid -f mpv -quiet "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 ;;
+ *png|*jpg|*jpe|*jpeg|*gif)
+ curl -sL "$1" > "/tmp/$(echo "$1" | sed "s/.*\///;s/%20/ /g")" && sxiv -a "/tmp/$(echo "$1" | sed "s/.*\///;s/%20/ /g")" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+ *pdf|*cbz|*cbr)
+ curl -sL "$1" > "/tmp/$(echo "$1" | sed "s/.*\///;s/%20/ /g")" && zathura "/tmp/$(echo "$1" | sed "s/.*\///;s/%20/ /g")" >/dev/null 2>&1 & ;;
+ *mp3|*ogg|*flac|*opus|*mp3?*|*ogg?*)
+ qndl "$1" 'curl -LO' >/dev/null 2>&1 ;;
+ #setsid -f mpv -quiet "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 ;;
+ *)
+ [ -f "$1" ] && setsid -f "$TERMINAL" -e "$EDITOR" "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || setsid -f "$BROWSER" "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
+# Feed script a url.
+# If an image, it will view in feh,
+# if a video or gif, it will view in mpv
+# if a music file or pdf, it will download,
+# otherwise it opens link in browser.
+# List of sites that will be opened in mpv.
+ #\|
+ #\|
+ #"
+#mpvFiles="mkv mp4 gif webm"
+#fehFiles="png jpg jpeg jpe"
+#wgetFiles="mp3 flac opus mp3?source=feed pdf"
+#if echo $fehFiles | grep -w $ext > /dev/null; then
+ #feh "$1" >/dev/null & disown
+#elif echo $mpvFiles | grep -w $ext > /dev/null; then
+ #mpv -quiet "$1" > /dev/null & disown
+#elif echo $wgetFiles | grep -w $ext > /dev/null; then
+ #wget "$1" >/dev/null & disown
+#elif echo "$@" | grep "$vidsites">/dev/null; then
+ #mpv -quiet "$1" > /dev/null & disown
+ #$BROWSER "$1" 2>/dev/null & disown
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+micstatus=$(amixer sget Capture | awk '{if(/\[on\]/) {print "ON"; exit}}')
+if [ "$micstatus" = ON ]; then
+ echo "🗣️🎙"
+ #echo -e "\033[32m🎙\033[0m"
+ #echo -e "\033[31;9;5m🎙\033[0m"
+ echo "⛔🎙"
diff --git a/notmuch-address b/notmuch-address
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+(parallel notmuch address {} "\*'$1'\*" ::: \
+ '--output=sender' '--output=recipients') | \
+ grep -Pi "$1" | \
+ awk '
+/@/ {
+ s=$NF;
+ sub(/^</, "", s);
+ sub(/>$/, "", s);
+ printf("%s\t", s);
+ for (i = 1; i < NF; i++)
+ printf("%s ", $i);
+ printf("\n")
+' | sort -u -k 1,1 | uniq -c | sort -nr | cut -c9- | awk 'BEGIN{print}{print $0}'
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import subprocess
+import signal
+import threading
+import sys
+import dbus
+from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
+from gi.repository import GLib
+class OfflineimapCtl(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.daemon_proc = None
+ self.run_ev = threading.Event()
+ self.run_daemon = False
+ def run(self):
+ t = threading.Thread(target=self._watch_daemon, daemon=True)
+ t.start()
+ def _watch_daemon(self):
+ while True:
+ self.run_ev.wait()
+ self.run_ev.clear()
+ if self.run_daemon:
+ self.is_running = True
+ print('offlineimap is being started')
+ self._spawn_daemon()
+ print('offlineimap has stopped')
+ self.run_ev.set() # check state and restart if needed
+ def _spawn_daemon(self):
+ self.daemon_proc = subprocess.Popen(['offlineimap', '-u', 'basic'], shell=False)
+ self.daemon_proc.wait()
+ self.daemon_proc = None
+ def start(self):
+ print('starting offlineimap')
+ self.run_daemon = True
+ self.run_ev.set()
+ def stop(self):
+ print('stopping offlineimap')
+ self.run_daemon = False
+ if self.daemon_proc:
+ try:
+ self.daemon_proc.send_signal(signal.SIGUSR2)
+ except OSError:
+ print('Unable to stop offlineimap')
+ def restart(self):
+ print('restarting offlineimap')
+ if self.run_daemon:
+ self.stop()
+ self.start()
+ def onConnectivityChanged(self, state):
+ # 70 means fully connected
+ if state == 70:
+ self.start()
+ else:
+ self.stop()
+def main():
+ oi_ctl = OfflineimapCtl()
+ try:
+ bus = dbus.SystemBus(mainloop=DBusGMainLoop())
+ network_manager = bus.get_object(
+ 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager',
+ '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager')
+ network = dbus.Interface(network_manager,
+ dbus_interface='org.freedesktop.NetworkManager')
+ network.connect_to_signal('StateChanged', oi_ctl.onConnectivityChanged)
+ # send current state as first event
+ state = network.state()
+ oi_ctl.onConnectivityChanged(state)
+ except dbus.exceptions.DBusException:
+ print('Unable to connect to dbus')
+ sys.exit(3)
+ # start receiving events from dbus
+ loop = GLib.MainLoop()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# this script runs offline imap as daemon (configured to check periodically)
+# if not present on PATH, those vars must point to proper locations
+ # add timestamps to logs
+ (while read line; do
+ echo `date` "$line" >> $LOG
+ done)
+ kill -USR2 `cat $PIDFILE`
+ kill -USR1 `cat $PIDFILE`
+case "$1" in
+ '--daemon' | '-d' )
+ nohup $THIS_SCRIPT < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &
+ ;;
+ '--kill' | '-k' )
+ stop
+ ;;
+ '--refresh' | '-r' )
+ refresh
+ ;;
+ * )
+ daemon
+ ;;
+\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pdfrange b/pdfrange
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# this function uses 3 arguments:
+# $1 is the first page of the range to extract
+# $2 is the last page of the range to extract
+# $3 is the input file
+# output file will be named "inputfile_pXX-pYY.pdf"
+gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dSAFER \
+ -dFirstPage="${1}" \
+ -dLastPage="${2}" \
+ -sOutputFile="print.pdf" \
+ "${3}"
+#-sOutputFile="${3%.pdf}_p${1}-p${2}.pdf" \
diff --git a/print_desy b/print_desy
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+echo "$0";
+echo "$1";
+echo "$2";
+echo "$3";
+sshpass -p $(pass rsync -avP "$1"
+sshpass -p $(pass ssh -XYC \
+ ssh pal<<EOF
+cd /afs/
+lpr -H cups-hep -P t00ps$2 -o sides=two-sided-long-edge "$(basename "$1")"
diff --git a/prompt b/prompt
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# A dmenu binary prompt script.
+# Gives a dmenu prompt labeled with $1 to perform command $2.
+# For example:
+# `./prompt "Do you want to shutdown?" "shutdown -h now"`
+[ $(echo -e "No\nYes" | dmenu -i -p "$1" -nb darkred -sb red -sf white -nf gray -fn mono) \
+== "Yes" ] && $2
diff --git a/qndl b/qndl
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# $1 is a url; $2 is a command
+[ -z "$1" ] && exit
+base="$(basename "$1")"
+notify-send "⏳ Queuing $base..."
+[ -z "$cmd" ] && cmd="youtube-dl --add-metadata -ic"
+idnum="$(tsp $cmd "$1")"
+realname="$(echo "$base" | sed "s/?\(source\|dest\).*//;s/%20/ /g")"
+tsp -D "$idnum" mv "$base" "$realname"
+tsp -D "$idnum" notify-send "👍 $realname done."
diff --git a/record b/record
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# A dmenu recording prompt for my different
+case $(echo -e "Screencast\nVideo only\nAudio only" | dmenu -i -p "Select recording style:") in
+ Screencast) (pgrep -x pulseaudio && || ;;
+ "Audio only") (pgrep -x pulseaudio && || ;;
+ "Video only") ;;
diff --git a/sb-doppler b/sb-doppler
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+# Show a Doppler RADAR of a user's preferred location.
+secs=600 # Download a new doppler radar if one hasn't been downloaded in $secs seconds.
+pickloc() { chosen="$(echo "US: CONUS: Continental United States
+US: Northeast
+US: Southeast
+US: PacNorthWest
+US: PacSouthWest
+US: UpperMissVly
+US: SouthMissVly
+US: SouthPlains
+US: NorthRockies
+US: SouthRockies
+US: Alaska
+US: Carib
+US: Hawaii
+US: CentGrLakes
+US: Conus-Large
+US: KABR: Aberdeen, SD
+US: KBIS: Bismarck, ND
+US: KFTG: Denver/Boulder, CO
+US: KDMX: Des Moines, IA
+US: KDTX: Detroit, MI
+US: KDDC: Dodge City, KS
+US: KDLH: Duluth, MN
+US: KCYS: Cheyenne, WY
+US: KLOT: Chicago, IL
+US: KGLD: Goodland, KS
+US: KUEX: Hastings, NE
+US: KGJX: Grand Junction, CO
+US: KGRR: Grand Rapids, MI
+US: KMVX: Fargo/Grand Forks, ND
+US: KGRB: Green Bay, WI
+US: KIND: Indianapolis, IN
+US: KJKL: Jackson, KY
+US: KARX: La Crosse, WI
+US: KILX: Lincoln/Central Illinois, IL
+US: KLVX: Louisville, KY
+US: KMQT: Marquette
+US: KMKX: Milwaukee, WI
+US: KMPX: Minneapolis, MN
+US: KAPX: Gaylord/Alpena, MI
+US: KLNX: North Platte, NE
+US: KIWX: N. Webster/Northern, IN
+US: KOAX: Omaha, NE
+US: KPAH: Paducah, KY
+US: KEAX: Pleasant Hill, MO
+US: KPUX: Pueblo, CO
+US: KDVN: Quad Cities, IA
+US: KUDX: Rapid City, SD
+US: KRIW: Riverton, WY
+US: KSGF: Springfield, MO
+US: KFSD: Sioux Falls, SD
+US: KTWX: Topeka, KS
+US: KICT: Wichita, KS
+US: KVWX: Paducah, KY
+US: ICAO: Responsible Wfo
+US: KCCX: State College/Central, PA
+US: KLWX: Sterling, VA
+US: KFCX: Blacksburg/Roanoke, VA
+US: KRAX: Raleigh/Durham, NC
+US: KGYX: Portland, ME
+US: KDIX: Mt Holly/Philadelphia, PA
+US: KPBZ: Pittsburgh, PA
+US: KAKQ: Wakefield, VA
+US: KMHX: Morehead City, NC
+US: KGSP: Greer/Greenville/Sprtbg, SC
+US: KILN: Wilmington/Cincinnati, OH
+US: KCLE: Cleveland, OH
+US: KCAE: Columbia, SC
+US: KBGM: Binghamton, NY
+US: KENX: Albany, NY
+US: KBUF: Buffalo, NY
+US: KCXX: Burlington, VT
+US: KCBW: Caribou, ME
+US: KBOX: Boston /Taunton, MA
+US: KOKX: New York City, NY
+US: KCLX: Charleston, SC
+US: KRLX: Charleston, WV
+US: ICAO: Responsible WFO
+US: KBRO: Brownsville, TX
+US: KABX: Albuquerque, NM
+US: KAMA: Amarillo, TX
+US: KFFC: Peachtree City/Atlanta, GA
+US: KEWX: Austin/Sanantonio, TX
+US: KBMX: Birmingham, AL
+US: KCRP: Corpus Christi, TX
+US: KFWS: Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX
+US: KEPZ: El Paso, TX
+US: KHGX: Houston/ Galveston, TX
+US: KJAX: Jacksonville, FL
+US: KBYX: Key West, FL
+US: KMRX: Morristown/knoxville, TN
+US: KLBB: Lubbock, TX
+US: KLZK: Little Rock, AR
+US: KLCH: Lake Charles, LA
+US: KOHX: Nashville, TN
+US: KMLB: Melbourne, FL
+US: KNQA: Memphis, TN
+US: KAMX: Miami, FL
+US: KMAF: Midland/odessa, TX
+US: KTLX: Norman, OK
+US: KHTX: Huntsville, AL
+US: KMOB: Mobile, AL
+US: KTLH: Tallahassee, FL
+US: KTBW: Tampa Bay Area, FL
+US: KSJT: San Angelo, TX
+US: KINX: Tulsa, OK
+US: KSRX: Tulsa, OK
+US: KLIX: New Orleans/slidell, LA
+US: KDGX: Jackson, MS
+US: KSHV: Shreveport, LA
+US: ICAO: Responsible WFO
+US: KLGX: Seattle / Tacoma, WA
+US: KOTX: Spokane, WA
+US: KEMX: Tucson, AZ
+US: KYUX: Phoenix, AZ
+US: KNKX: San Diego, CA
+US: KMUX: Monterey/san Francisco, CA
+US: KHNX: San Joaquin/hanford, CA
+US: KSOX: San Diego, CA
+US: KATX: Seattle / Tacoma, WA
+US: KIWA: Phoenix, AZ
+US: KRTX: Portland, OR
+US: KSFX: Pocatello, ID
+US: KRGX: Reno, NV
+US: KDAX: Sacramento, CA
+US: KMTX: Salt Lake City, UT
+US: KPDT: Pendleton, OR
+US: KMSX: Missoula, MT
+US: KESX: Las Vegas, NV
+US: KVTX: Los Angeles, CA
+US: KMAX: Medford, OR
+US: KFSX: Flagstaff, AZ
+US: KGGW: Glasgow, MT
+US: KLRX: Elko, NV
+US: KBHX: Eureka, CA
+US: KTFX: Great Falls, MT
+US: KCBX: Boise, ID
+US: KBLX: Billings, MT
+US: KICX: Salt Lake City, UT
+US: ICAO: Responsible Wfo W/ MSCF
+US: PABC: Anchorage, AK
+US: PAPD: Fairbanks, AK
+US: PHKM: Honolulu, HI
+US: PAHG: Anchorage, AK
+US: PAKC: Anchorage, AK
+US: PAIH: Anchorage, AK
+US: PHMO: Honolulu, HI
+US: PAEC: Fairbanks, AK
+US: TJUA: San Juan, PR
+US: PACG: Juneau, AK
+US: PHKI: Honolulu, HI
+US: PHWA: Honolulu, HI
+US: ICAO: Responsible Wfo W/ MSCF
+US: KFDR: Norman, OK
+US: PGUA: Guam
+US: KBBX: Sacramento, CA
+US: KFDX: Albuquerque, NM
+US: KGWX: Jackson, MS
+US: KDOX: Wakefield, VA
+US: KDYX: San Angelo, TX
+US: KEYX: Las Vegas, NV
+US: KEVX: Mobile, AL
+US: KHPX: Paducah, KY
+US: KTYX: Burlington, VT
+US: KGRK: Dallas / Ft. Worth, TX
+US: KPOE: Lake Charles, LA
+US: KEOX: Tallahassee, FL
+US: KHDX: El Paso, TX
+US: KDFX: San Antonio, TX
+US: KMXX: Birmingham, AL
+US: KMBX: Bismarck, ND
+US: KVAX: Jacksonville, FL
+US: KJGX: Peachtree City/atlanta, GA
+US: KVNX: Norman, OK
+US: KVBX: Vandenberg Afb: Orcutt, CA
+EU: Europe
+EU: GB: Great Brittain
+EU: SCAN: Scandinavia. Norway, Sweden And Denmark
+EU: ALPS: The Alps
+EU: NL: The Netherlands
+EU: DE: Germany
+EU: SP: Spain
+EU: FR: France
+EU: IT: Italy
+EU: PL: Poland
+EU: GR: Greece
+EU: TU: Turkey
+EU: RU: Russia
+EU: BA: Bahrain
+EU: BC: Botswana
+EU: SE: Republic of Seychelles
+EU: HU: Hungary
+EU: UK: Ukraine
+AF: AF: Africa
+AF: WA: West Africa
+AF: ZA: South Africa
+AF: DZ: Algeria
+AF: CE: Canary Islands
+AF: NG: Nigeria
+AF: TD: Chad
+AF: CG: Democratic Republic of Congo
+AF: EG: Egypt
+AF: ET: Ethiopia
+AF: CM: Cameroon
+AF: IS: Israel
+AF: LY: Libya
+AF: MG: Madagascar
+AF: MO: Morocco
+AF: BW: Namibia
+AF: SA: Saudi Arabia
+AF: SO: Somalia
+AF: SD: Sudan
+AF: TZ: Tanzania
+AF: TN: Tunisia
+AF: ZM: Zambia
+AF: KE: Kenya
+AF: AO: Angola
+DE: BAW: Baden-Württemberg
+DE: BAY: Bavaria
+DE: BBB: Berlin
+DE: BBB: Brandenburg
+DE: HES: Hesse
+DE: MVP: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
+DE: NIB: Lower Saxony
+DE: NIB: Bremen
+DE: NRW: North Rhine-Westphalia
+DE: RPS: Rhineland-Palatinate
+DE: RPS: Saarland
+DE: SAC: Saxony
+DE: SAA: Saxony-Anhalt
+DE: SHH: Schleswig-Holstein
+DE: SHH: Hamburg
+DE: THU: Thuringia" | dmenu -i -l 50 -p "Select a radar to use as default:" | tr "[:lower:]" "[:upper:]")"
+# Ensure user did not escape.
+[ -z "$chosen" ] && exit 1
+# Set continent code and radar code.
+radarcode=${chosen#* } radarcode=${radarcode%:*}
+# Print codes to $radarloc file.
+ printf "%s,%s\\n" "$continentcode" "$radarcode" > "$radarloc" ;}
+getdoppler() {
+ cont=$(cut -c -2 "$radarloc")
+ loc=$(cut -c 4- "$radarloc")
+ notify-send "🌦️ Doppler RADAR" "Pulling most recent Doppler RADAR for $loc."
+ case "$cont" in
+ "US") curl -sL "${loc}_loop.gif" > "$doppler" ;;
+ "EU") curl -sL "${loc}/rainTMC/2/" > "$doppler" ;;
+ "AF") curl -sL "${loc}/rain/2/" > "$doppler" ;;
+ "DE") loc="$(echo "$loc" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]")"
+ curl -sL "${loc}_akt.gif" > "$doppler" ;;
+ esac
+showdoppler() { setsid -f mpv --no-osc --loop=inf --no-terminal "$doppler" ;}
+case $BLOCK_BUTTON in
+ 1) [ ! -f "$radarloc" ] && pickloc && getdoppler
+ [ $(($(date '+%s') - $(stat -c %Y "$doppler"))) -gt "$secs" ] && getdoppler
+ showdoppler ;;
+ 2) pickloc && getdoppler && showdoppler ;;
+ 3) notify-send "🗺️ Doppler RADAR module" "\- Left click for local Doppler RADAR.
+- Middle click to update RADAR location.
+After $secs seconds, new clicks will also automatically update the doppler RADAR." ;;
+ 6) "$TERMINAL" -e "$EDITOR" "$0" ;;
+#[ ! -f "$radarloc" ] && pickloc && getdoppler
+#[ ! -f "$radarloc" ] && pickloc && getdoppler
+[ $(($(date '+%s') - $(stat -c %Y "$doppler"))) -gt "$secs" ] && getdoppler
+echo 🌅
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#Feed this script either:
+# "l" for laptop screen only,
+# "v" for vga screen only,
+# or "d" for dual vga/laptop.
+d() { if [[ $(xrandr -q | grep VGA1\ con) ]]
+ then param $1
+ else echo "No VGA input detected."
+ fi ;}
+dual() { xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto --output VGA1 --auto --right-of LVDS1 ;}
+laptop() { xrandr --output LVDS1 --auto --output VGA1 --off ;}
+vga() { xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --output LVDS1 --off ;}
+#mirror() { xrandr --addmode VGA1 $lapres && xrandr --output LVDS1 --mode $lapres --output VGA1 --mode $lapres ;}
+param() {
+case $1 in
+ d) dual ;;
+ v) vga ;;
+ l) laptop ;;
+ *) echo -e "Invalid parameter. Add one of the following:\n\"d\" for dualscreen laptop and VGA.\n\"l\" for laptop only\n\"v\" for VGA only." ;;
+esac ;}
+d $1
diff --git a/screencast b/screencast
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# This script records a screencast with audio and video.
+# It runs an appropriate record script for either ALSA and Pulseaudio.
+# It also names files smartly to prevent overwrites.
+# Picks a file name for the output file based on availability:
+while [[ -f $HOME/screencast$n.mkv ]]
+ n=$((n+1))
+# For Pulseaudio with ALSA:
+record_pulse() { \
+ffmpeg -y \
+-f x11grab \
+-framerate 60 \
+-s $(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | awk '{print $2;}') \
+-i :0.0 \
+-f alsa -i default \
+-r 30 \
+ -c:v libx264rgb -crf 0 -preset ultrafast -c:a flac $filename ;}
+# For ALSA:
+record_alsa() { \
+ffmpeg -y \
+-f x11grab \
+-s $(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | awk '{print $2;}') \
+-i :0.0 \
+-thread_queue_size 1024 \
+ -f alsa -ar 44100 -i hw:1 \
+ -c:v libx264 -r 30 -c:a flac $filename ;}
+if [[ $(pgrep -x pulseaudio) ]]; then record_pulse; else record_alsa; fi
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#This is the ffmpeg command that the screencast shortcut in i3 will run.
+#Picks a file name for the output file based on availability:
+while [[ -f $HOME/screencast$n.mkv ]]
+ n=$((n+1))
+#The actual ffmpeg command:
+ffmpeg -y \
+-f x11grab \
+-s $(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | awk '{print $2;}') \
+-i :0.0 \
+-thread_queue_size 1024 \
+ -f alsa -ar 44100 -i hw:1 \
+ -c:v libx264 -r 30 -c:a flac $filename
+ #-c:v ffvhuff -r 30 -c:a flac $filename
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#This is the ffmpeg command that the screencast shortcut in i3 will run.
+#Picks a file name for the output file based on availability:
+while [[ -f $HOME/screencast$n.mkv ]]
+ n=$((n+1))
+#The actual ffmpeg command:
+ffmpeg -y \
+-f x11grab \
+-framerate 60 \
+-s $(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | awk '{print $2;}') \
+-i :0.0 \
+-thread_queue_size 2048 \
+-f pulse -i alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo.monitor \
+-r 30 \
+ -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -c:a flac $filename
+ #-c:v ffvhuff -r 30 -c:a flac $filename
+ #-f pulse -ac 1 -ar 44100 -i default \
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#This is the ffmpeg command that the screencast shortcut in i3 will run.
+#Picks a file name for the output file based on availability:
+while [[ -f $HOME/screencast$n.mkv ]]
+ n=$((n+1))
+#The actual ffmpeg command:
+ffmpeg -y \
+-f x11grab \
+-framerate 60 \
+-s $(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | awk '{print $2;}') \
+-i :0.0 \
+-thread_queue_size 2048 \
+-f pulse -i logitechsource \
+-f pulse -i alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo.monitor \
+-filter_complex "[2:a]aformat=sample_fmts=fltp:sample_rates=44100:channel_layouts=stereo,volume=0.8[l];[1:a][l]amerge=inputs=2[a]" -map 0 -map "[a]" \
+-r 30 \
+ -c:v libx264 -r 30 -c:a flac $filename
+ #-c:v ffvhuff -r 30 -c:a flac $filename
+ #-f pulse -ac 1 -ar 44100 -i default \
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+base=$(basename $1)
+ffmpeg -i $1 -vf "setpts=$2*PTS" -an $base'_sped.'$ext
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# if not inside tmux, then start it.
+tmux -2
+#if [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then
+ #tmux attach || exec tmux new-session
+ #echo "already in tmux!"
diff --git a/startdwm b/startdwm
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+while true; do
+ # Log stderror to a file
+ dwm 2> ~/.dwm.log
+ # No error logging
+ #dwm >/dev/null 2>&1
diff --git a/tmuxinit b/tmuxinit
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# This is the script that i3 runs to either start tmux in
+# the dropdown terminal or log into a previous session.
+tmux a -t scratch || tmux new -s scratch
diff --git a/ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+if [ -f $(pgrep transmission) ];
+ then
+ st -e transmission-remote-cli
+ else
+ transmission-daemon && st -e transmission-remote-cli
diff --git a/video b/video
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# This script records video.
+# It also names files smartly to prevent overwrites.
+# Picks a file name for the output file based on availability:
+while [[ -f $HOME/video$n.mkv ]]
+ n=$((n+1))
+# The actual ffmpeg command:
+ffmpeg \
+-f x11grab \
+-s $(xdpyinfo | grep dimensions | awk '{print $2;}') \
+-i :0.0 \
+ -c:v libx264 -qp 0 -r 30 $filename